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At all times, Shauna Walch shall have and retain ownership of any and all intellectual property related to The Compass proposal, concepts, and work. Shauna Walch’s submission of The Compass proposal and concepts to the County, other organizations or entities or any of their agents shall not be construed as a waiver or release of any intellectual property rights held by and retained Shauna Walch in and to The Compass proposal and concepts, or any written, visual, or digital materials related thereto. Shauna Walch hereby expressly reserves any and all intellectual property rights in and to the materials submitted, referred to, or contemplated to be created in connection with submittal of The Compass proposal and concepts (including any and all written, visual, or digital materials related thereto) to the County and/or its agents, notwithstanding any contrary intellectual property provisions set forth in the prescribed electronic submission process. 

